
Face-to-face interaction remains the same, despite social media tools

In a recent IABC pulse survey, the majority of respondents said that, despite the explosion of social media tools, the amount of face-to-face interaction in their organizations has remained the same throughout the past year. The survey was conducted by the IABC Research Foundation earlier this month and received 218 responses from communication professionals.

The survey found that:

— 63 percent of respondents said that face-to-face interaction in their organization has remained about the same.

— 16 percent said there has been more overall face-to-face interaction in their organization.

— 12 percent said there has been less overall face-to-face interaction in their organization.

— 8 percent said there has never been significant face-to-face interaction in their organization.


iabc, исследование
   31 июля 2009   

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